Friday, December 8, 2006


Had a nice drive home. I think I am getting used to working only 4 days a week!! Compare it with seven days a week time I did in an Indian Offshore company!! Slave masters!! Nothing good to say on those criminals!

Just visited one of the blogs that I religiously read. One of the readers left a comment saynig he tried to access my blog and couldn't leave a comment!! WOW - I have a reader now!! :) Now, I need to figure out how to allow those comments. First of all - this beta blogger sucks!! It has way too many defects they need to fix. Once logged in, I can't even logout!!! The only way is to close the browser session!! How pathetic is that!! Hello - if you 'blogger' developers are listening, here is my feedback - you guys suck!! No kidding - you guys really suck! Please fix those bugs soon.

Alright - now I feel little better!
Signing off...

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Cold, cold, cold...

Man, it's very very cold here tonight. I hate big cities. You can't even find parking when you need one. You park in one place and then walk a few blocks! It kills you in this cold weather. By the time I reached my room, my hands were numb.

It makes me think - How do those animals and birds survive in this cold weather? How did native folks living here and alaska handled this? You imagine living outdoors or tents in this harsh weather.

Ok - time to connect to office network and get few more things done.
Signing off...

Blogging my way...

Welcome to my blog.
It took me more than a month to actually go ahead and create this account.
I was wondering what name to give to this blog. At one point, I decided to call it SOB blog. Then I changed my mind and decided a different name.
How many blogs are there today? Who knows? And who cares? I hae a blog now - that's all matters.
Now, the question is...what do I write in these blogs?
I guess I would write anything. 'East meets West' is only a starting point. Probably it will never have any relation to what I write.
Lets see...
- s.b